The Nishizaki Laboratory conducts research in intelligent information processing for multimedia: Acoustics, Linguistics, Pictures, and Signals. We are also called the ALPS Laboratory, an acronym for the Southern Alps mountain range, which is the pride of Yamanashi. Our research areas include:
- Speech recognition (multi-language recognition, speech recognition for the elderly, etc.)
- Spoken dialogue systems (customer service spoken dialogue)
- Speech impression and emotion recognition
- Sound classification (environmental sound recognition)
- Character recognition (AI-OCR) / Character generation
- Document analysis
- Smart agriculture (grape cultivation support robot / grape cultivation support AI)
- Smart city (person estimation by surveillance camera)
- Technology transfer support
- Biomedical signal processing
We approach these research themes using artificial intelligence, particularly deep learning techniques.
We also conduct collaborative research with the following universities (including overseas) and companies:
- Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tokushima (speech recognition for the elderly)
- University of Tsukuba and Tsukuba University of Technology (customer service training spoken dialogue, speech evaluation)
- Universiti Malaysia Perlis
- 音声認識(複数言語認識,高齢者音声認識など)
- 音声対話システム(接客音声対話)
- 音声印象・感情認識
- 音分類(環境音認識)
- 文字認識(AI-OCR)/ 手書き文字生成
- 書類の情報処理(様式などの分析)
- スマート農業(ぶどう栽培支援ロボット / ぶどう栽培支援AI)
- スマートシティ(監視カメラによる人物推定)
- 技術伝承支援
- 生体信号処理
- 豊橋技術科学大学,徳島大学(高齢者音声認識)
- 筑波大学・筑波技術大学(接客訓練音声対話,音声の話し方評価)
- Universiti Malaysia Perlis