Automatic Character Image Generation Using Deep Learning
In order to train a handwriting recognition model using deep learning, a large number of handwritten characters are required. Since handwritten characters express the personality of the writer, there are many different fonts and styles, and they vary from writer to writer. In order to be able to recognize such characters written by anyone, it is necessary to prepare a considerable amount of handwritten character images, and the artificial intelligence model should learn them.
However, it is not easy to prepare handwritten character images. For example, in the case of Japanese, there are approximately 7,000 different sorts of characters. The cost of collecting such data is quite high. Therefore, Nishizaki Lab. is tackling the research to generate various handwriting patterns by using a few handwritten characters per character as “seeds.” In recent years, artificial intelligence for image generation has been developed, and we are applying this technology.
The figure below shows an example. For example, if the input is “あ” or “い” written by a person, the “peculiarities” of these characters are extracted, and the “peculiarities” are used to generate characters other than “あ” or “い”.